Thursday, December 6, 2007

Step # 18 - Social Networking

Discovery Resources:

I reviewed the MySpace pages for the 3 leading Democratic candidates, Obama, Edwards and Clinton, as requested. It was interesting to see how the sites were organized.

I was impressed with the hope and energy conveyed in the Obama site, but was overcome with a feeling of fear. The fear intensified as I watched a campaign video. Obama's campaign reminded me of the incredible hope I had in Robert Kenneday's campaign and the incredible loss I felt at his death. Is America ready for a black man to be President? Not much detail on how Obama plans to change America.

John Edwards' site was not as great as I expected. I would have liked to see more details on his plans. While he is a handsome man, more details on his positions needs to be there.

Hillary's web site was well organized, with nice videos of her meeting with people and explaining her positions. I like her message and feel she could be an effective President. I am hopeful of having a woman President. Bill for First Lady!

Based on this lesson, how do you feel about the impact of social networks on the distribution of information? The use of these sites is good to reach out to people. Does it have any significant impact? I think they energize people to become involved. More people need to become part of the political process. What to you see as some of the positive and negative aspects of web2.0 and social networking? I would like to see this continue in the campaign, reaching out to people. Often when politicians get in to office, they become isolated. This social networking could keep them focused on what people around the country think and feel. I do not want the social networking used to attack others with negative messages.

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